Sensing STEAM: 30+ Awesome Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math Activities for Kids

This is the mega monster of STEAM posts.  It’s a list of some of the coolest science, technology, engineering, art and math projects from some of the most creative bloggers out there, the STEAM Kids crew.  Plus, all of the projects help feed the senses while kids play and learn.  Get ready to have some fun!

Kids can feed their senses while they play & learn with these awesome STEAM activities. 30+ Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math projects!
Sensing STEAM 30+ Learning Activities for Kids

To help you navigate this amazing list of activities, here’s a table of contents to help you jump to your favorite sense.

SEE STEAM Activities for Kids

Look and learn!  From patterned math art to the easiest magnifying glass you could ever make, these projects help kids learn while they see.

6 Ways to See STEAM

FEEL STEAM Activities for Kids

Buggy and squishy and stretchy and architectural projects make learning about STEAM fun.

8 Ways to Feel STEAM

SMELL STEAM Activities for Kids

Aromas make learning a lot more interesting!  Especially when they are bubbly chemical reactions, artsy stuff, or show how your eyes can trick your nose.

5 Ways to Smell STEAM

TASTE STEAM Activities for Kids

This is the yummiest section of them all.  There’s ice cream, exploding food and colorful candy (oh and some healthy stuff too!).

5 Ways to Taste STEAM

HEAR STEAM Activities for Kids

Do you hear that?  That’s your kids learning and having fun :)

7 Ways to Hear STEAM

More STEAM Fun for Kids

All of these cool play & learn activities were part of a blog series we had this summer called Summer STEAM Camp. But they make for great learning all year round!

Summer STEAM Camp

Looking for some more STEAM inspiration that you can use right now? Instant gratification style? Check out STEAM Explorers!! The coolest creative experience for kids is here! It's a digital book of the month club filled with tons of fun stuff for the kids to do and learn. All engineer, teacher, and mom-approved. And most definitely KID APPROVED!⁣

What’s included?⁣

  • A monthly digital magazine with cool themes that are fun to read
  • Hands-on, exciting projects the kids will love.⁣
  • Science, tech, engineering, art, and math learning YOU’LL love.⁣
  • Delicious recipes the kids can make.⁣
  • Fun printables and games⁣

There’s no greater exploration than space! Learn about the universe around us in May with hands-on activities that inspire the kids to dream big. The kids will love building an orbiting Earth, crafting some felted planets, eating Earth toast, making the sky light up in a card, and so much more! You'll love the helpful standards-based learning, printables, and tools that make STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, & math) exploration easy!

We’ve split the STEAM Explorers Space issue into four weekly themes:

  • This issue has four weekly themes to inspire your kiddos:
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